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Name – Malgeral aka Mal

Gender – Male

Race – Demon

Age – 1,007

Height – 6’1

Weight – 195 lbs

Place of Origin – Abyss

Currently Resides – Abyss


Father  - Rastroz (deceased)

Mother -  Nessieth (deceased)

Occupations – being fucking fabulous


Physical Weaknesses

-As a demon, Mal is weak against holy magic and attacks, such as holy water and blessed weaponry.
Personality Flaws –

embodiment of Vanity.
Personality –

confident, narcissistic, bold, in love with himself,
Hobbies/Interests –

mani/pedi’s, facials and spa days, tempting mortals
Dreams/Aspirations –

retain his nobility and position of power for as long as possible.
Backstory –

Born to the Demon Lord Rastroz, a lord presiding over the gate of Vanity in the abyss. He was raised as royalty, receiving the best instructors that could be found, from a very young age until the day his father was removed. At the age of 300, he managed to outmaneuver his father politically and take his place as a general and keeper of the gate. He now strives to maintain his position, dealing with any who would threaten it quickly.
Appearance -

Light brown hair, flawless skin, piercing eyes. Mal has additional eyes around his face when revealing his true form but can hide them at will. His nails are always perfectly manicured, and seems as if not a single article of clothing is ever disheveled or out of place.

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